Have you have had the problem of not being able to choose which resort you want to go to for your annual skiing holiday. Can’t choose between going back to one of your favorite resorts or exploring somewhere new. When my group of friends and I were deciding where to go on our group ski holiday a problem arose in that a majority of the group wanted to ski the 3 valleys while I having skied there for the past 6 years due to my uncle having a Chalet in Val Thorens wanted to explore somewhere new. Someone was going to have to back down and being in the minority it looked as though it was going to have to be me. That is until I stumbled across an innovative new type of ski holiday by Powder White called a SkiFari where you spend 3 nights in Courcheval 1650 and 4 nights in Val D’Isere two of France’s biggest and glitziest resorts. With Val D’Isere being a resort that I had always wanted to ski this was the perfect option and we went ahead and booked the holiday.

On the first day we woke up to fantastic conditions it had snowed over night and the sun was out so we decided to make the most of the conditions and ski all the away across the 3 valleys from Courcheval to Val Thorens. The weather was wonderful the runs were perfectly groomed and we made it all the across the 3 valleys and back again in time to have have lunch at the famous Michelin starred restaurant in Courcheval Le Chabichou. After a long lunch some of the group decided to head straight back to chalet but the rest of us headed off to the cruisey blues that can be found above Courcheval 1650 for an enjoyable but easy ski home which helped to work off some excesses of a lavish lunch.
The rest of our 3 days were spent skiing all over the vast 3 valleys ski area which is the largest ski area in the world with over 600km of pistes and then we moved onto Val D’Isere which is one of the most famous ski destinations in the world. This was the part of the trip that I was really excited about as it was going to be the first time that I had skied a new resort for over 7 years. With fresh snow falling again overnight as we headed up the main Gondola I was filled with excitement and couldn’t help myself from starring out the window looking at the runs checking out the off potential off piste routes. When we got to the top we headed off straight down a lovely gentle blue and right away as we turned the corner I spied an untouched powder stash accessible straight from the top of a drag lift so I convinced the group to take a detour on our way over to Tignes so that I could satisfy my craving for few powder turns. I reached the top and stood looking down at over 500 meters of vertical drop where I could ride the whole way down without touching another line took a deep breath and off I went. It was pure joy feeling that floaty sensation in my feet and riding the mountain like a wave. After a quick look back to check out my line I joined up with my group again who had gone down the piste and we continued with our mission to ski to Tignes and back in time to have lunch at the Folie Douche.
For those that like to spend their summers partying Ibiza the Folie Douche is little piece of Ibiza up the mountains with big name DJs and Cabaret acts to entertain the crowds. The partying begins at 2pm and continues until about 5pm it can make for some very interesting riding home for those that may have had one too many. But if you do not fancy a kamikaze drunken run back into town there is the option to come down in the cable car so don’t let that stop you from going wild.
All in we all had a fabulous holiday and every member of the group had managed to do what they wanted to do. The Powder White chalets are lovely, the staff were fantastic, and the food is great I cannot recommend them more highly. The price of a 7 night SkiFari is a very reasonable £549 including the transfer between the resorts. To book your own SkiFari or look all the other innovative products that are on offer from Powder White check out their website PowderWhite
By Alex Perrett